Listed below are several websites that you may find useful for information on subjects related to employee benefits, health care, and human resource management. Please let us know about other topics which you would like us to consider adding, or if you would like to discuss any item here in more depth.

Plan Management

These sites focus on the practical administrative requirements of benefits legislation and regulations.

Recent happenings in the employee benefits world.
A good IRS publication treating taxation of a variety of fringe benefits.
Quick facts, heavily researched, about health care.
The Employee Benefits Security Administration of the DOL is a good resource for a variety of compliance issues.
What can be deducted or reimbursed from an HRA, HAS or HRA
A non-profit organization committed to employee benefits research and education.


Links concerning your rights to fair and honest prices as a healthcare consumer.

The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) has collected data from Pennsylvania hospitals since 1981. Interactive databases are available to compare hospitals across a large number of inpatient and outpatient procedures and outcomes, as well as by financial performance. There are also focused studies available on topics such as coronary artery bypass surgery, hip and knee replacement, and HMO quality.

Medical Information

Good links for personal health information.



Plan Your Benefits Today


Howard R. Pollock - Morris Coupling Company

Their organization is comprised of experienced, dedicated professionals who truly understand client needs

Howard R. Pollock - President/CEO

Morris Coupling Company

Philip Katen

Their depth of knowledge and experience have been essential to our ability to navigate the ever changing benefit landscape.

Philip Katen
President & General Manager – Plastikos

Plastikos, Inc. / Micro Mold Company, Inc.

Logistics Plus

Lillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co. has the service, experienced and specialized knowledge to ensure that our employees are getting the most comprehensive benefits programs we can offer.

Jim Berlin, CEO

Logistics Plus